TURT tee shirt design
#1 shadow
#2 original
#3 poster
#4 glow
hey guys,
these are variations of the tee shirt design sharon and i came up with, thought we'd let you all have a look. :) We know it really doesn't look very tee-shirtish, but the idea is that this will go across the chest front of the shirt and the back will be the license plate (URT2005) from last year's design. since that's already in colour and an 'iron on', we'd thought we'd try to match that.
yup. anyway, do let us know what you think. :)
eeleen & sharon goh
Hey... Why not use this as the back... Big print... Then the license plate like a small print at the left side on the front... Hahaha... Get what i mean...
11:09 PM, March 24, 2005
the 1st one looks great! nice job...
8:11 PM, March 26, 2005
Engie here!
I like the 3rd one. I think it stands out.
Just don't make any of the graphics too large... it will look very 'pasar malam' on the tee shirt. instead, maybe print it on the bottom left or right side of the t-shirt, ya know.. in a reasonable size or something like that. :D
1:49 AM, March 27, 2005
Great design! i also suggest you use the perspective transform under 'edit layer' in photoshop, to skew the words 'The Ultimate Roadtrip' a little so it looks more natural. Otherwise now it stands out a bit strangely (like it's obviously just applied onto the guitar case), know what I mean? Just my 2c on an otherwise great idea! I wish I had this T-shirt man! :)
9:41 AM, April 19, 2005
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