The Thais are here!
Yep! after months and months of prayer and preparations, our 6 Thais friends are finally here! The 6 of them make up Koinonia, the music ministry of Thailand Campus Crusade for Christ. And it's a marvelous privilege for us in ForeRunner to be able to help equip & train them as a ministry.
"God is sooo good!" That was the repeated phrase of tonight, as we gather for simple welcome party for them. Just a day before they flew over, a supporter called them over to her house.. and offered a 'small' gift to them. She said she felt God had led her to give, and she needed to obey. She handed over 150,000 Baht (abt S$6k) That literally covered about a third of what the team needed to raise to come here.
Over on our end as we prepared for TURT 2005, and for the Thais arrival, God provided a house.. yes, a house.. and very large one! for only $1000 for their whole time here! It's amazing. On top of that, many people gave generously both in kind and in cash to help the Thais settle down here. God is sooo good!
Get excited everyone... the Ultimate Road Trip get on the road...!
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