Music Mission with ForeRunner - the music ministry of Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ

Monday, April 06, 2009

IED@SG: Engaging Our Digital World

IED@SG: Engaging Our Digital World

IED@SG 2009 is an effort to mobilize the local church to join the worldwide awareness call of Internet Evangelism Day (IED). It's learning how and what it means to engage our digital world as Christians! 

New media is changing us in subtle but profound ways -- the way we think, work, live, relate, and it requires us to interpret our faith as individuals and communities, as we work to be the salt and light of Christ to others.

We warmly welcome you to be part of IED@SG and discover new ways of engaging and extending church and ministry in a digital age! Come join us for a series of exciting activities on and offline (Blogging Carnival, Testimony Wall, etc.) and get your church group and friends in on the action too!

Go online and register at

IED@SG 2009 Team
New Media Group & Creative Communications (Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ)

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