TGA update: Donuts for us??
Dear Friends,
Just this week, God used our kids to bless and encourage us.. with donuts!!
You can read the full story here -
But in a nutshell, our precious kids had sacrificially and lovingly saved 2 donuts for us (from a box that we had bought for them) even tho' we had expected them to eat them all up!
Thank u Lord for special moments like these, that spurs us on in our parenting adventure!
Pattaya Sports Conference
We are leaving next week to Pattaya to lead worship at a very special Sports Conference.
About 600 people, from 150 countries, representing various Christian Sports Outreach organizations are coming together to strategize & coordinate their outreach efforts for Beijing 2008. Pls pray for us as we minister to them in music, and usher them into God's presence.
Lillian & 3 kids are all going. In fact, Lillian will also be worship-leading, and singing.
We are working our Thai music ministry, we're looking forward to an enjoyable time serving the Lord.
How are you? Anything that you'd like us to journey with you in prayer?
Please email us, and let us know.
Once again, we thank God for each of you.
Your prayers, your giving has helped us continue to do what God has called us to do.
We want to invite you to our Mass Media's Special Supporter Appreciation Sale.
This happens once a year, and it's the best sale for Christian books and resources!
You may have already received the flyer, but you can also check out this link for more info:
Blessings to you,
Simon & Lillian
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