Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Monday, April 06, 2009
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Bad News
The recent financial meltdown, and the uncertainties that come with it reminded me of this short-film that our ministry recently did.
The film is aptly titled 'Bad News'.
It's less than 5 minutes long, so go on and watch it, and feel free to leave a comment.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Project Chengdu
SCCC is working on with our contacts in China to help with relief work there.
You can pray about being a part....Feel free also to forward the email to your pastors, or any doctors or medical professionals in your church, or others who want to play a part.
Any enquires can be sent to missions@sccc.org.sg
Greetings from Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ.
You are receiving this email from a staff or friend of Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ. We are appealing to you to participate in the relief work for the earthquake victims in ChengDu. Several towns had been wiped out in the earthquake with at least 40,000 lives lost. The casualty numbers continue to escalate.
Besides praying for these victims, we hope to do more. We will be working closely with the medical teams that will be sent out from Missions Medical Clinic headed by Dr Leong Choon Kit, an associate of SCCC.
The following are ways that you could help:
Being part of the medical teams to bring in medical and logistical supplies to Chengdu as well as help the relatives of the victims (Briefing on post-trauma counseling will be conducted). All participants are required to pay for the total cost of the trip. (estimated cost per pax is $ 1,500). There will also be a pre-trip briefing for each team.
Team details are as follows:
Team 1 - 21st May to 29th May, Dr Ong Lay Siang
Team 2 - 31st May to 7th June, Dr Ho See Yunn
Team 3 - 8th June to 16th June, (Doctor to be finalised)
Team 4 - 15th June to 23rd June, Dr Joshua Wong
We are also looking for doctors and nurses who could be part of the team. Please refer them to our office at missions@sccc.org.sg.
Packing will commence on the evening of 15 May at 24 Lim Tua Tow Road (near Serangoon MRT). It is expected to continue for the next few days. If you can avail yourself to help, please call the clinic staff Tony @ 97850234 or Khai Liang @ 90223156.
If you would like to contribute medicine or supplies, please refer to the attached file and liaise with Missions Medical Clinic staff, Tony @ 97850234 or call the clinic @ 62892100.
Crossed and make your cheques payable to 'Campus Crusade Asia Limited'. On the reverse side, please indicate that it is designated for “Disaster, Crisis Relief Fund”
If you have further questions, please feel to contact us at missions@sccc.org.sg
Monday, May 05, 2008
Traveling again...
Oh boy, it's been long long time since my last post...
Yep, I'm going on another work trip. A conference in Pattaya, Thailand.
This is actually the East Asia Leadership Conference for Campus Crusade.
I'll be leading worship (with another colleague), plus just networking, meeting various folks from different countries. =)
Have mixed feelings about leaving yet again. I know that this is privilege, (to serve God, to meet others, to learn and to grow) but I feel the 'pain' of leaving my family yet again. Yet I'm sorta looking forward to a slightly different pace and environment. The past weeks have been quite hectic, moving into our new office. (We're now at 152, Paya Lebar Road! Come visit sometime!)
Would appreciate ur prayers for Lil+kids. For a fruitful time learning and growing etc.
Gotta go, they'll calling for us to board now... =)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Soul2Soul going 'on the road'
Coverage 2008 - The Naked I Campaign
This huge Campus-wide campaign I've been sharing so much about has finally been LAUNCHED! As we speak, many University campuses in Singapore have started massive distribution of the magazine, Naked I, as the first pre-evangelistic strategy to engage people in talking about love, sex and relationships.
Following that are other multiple media strategies on campuses like lunch time talks on various relevant topics, screening of locally produced short films on related topics, cafe/pub events and even a evangelistic website called everystudent.com which will feature articles on relationships, love, sex and Christianity. All of these are NOT out to make a stand about sex, but more meant to serve as multiple platforms to people to talk and dialogue about relevant life issues and, God willing, share about their spiritual journeys. I am very VERY EXCITED because this is, by far, the most integrated set of ministry strategies that I have ever seen us come up with!
Please pray:
a) for continued favour from authorities to distribute the magazines freely
b) that God prepare the hearts of non-believers we come into contact with
c) for us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and discern how God wants us to minister to various people as we intentionally interact with non-believers on each of these platforms
d) for divine appointments (both one-on-one and community-level interactions) where people interact at a heart level, feel safe enough to share in their life/spiritual journeys and that people are drawn to Christ in the process
e) for unity within and between various ministries involved in this campaign
Soul2soul in Naked I:
My band, Soul2soul, will be anchoring some of the upcoming Cafe events by playing secular music and sharing a few stories from our personal lives and spiritual journeys. These are meant to be pre-evangelistic, non-threatening events when students can gather, hang out and just talk about whatever the songs or stories trigger in them. There will be a little bit of something for everyone, no matter where they are at in their spiritual journey. In the course of the conversations which take place at the event, some might be talking about relationship issues, some may ask tough questions about how Christianity relate to life issues, some may even be desiring to know what it is to have a personal relationship with Jesus. The beauty of the Cafe idea is all those scenarios can be played out at the same time and all can be ministered to in some way, because the ministering takes place amongst the people there (band included cos we're going to be mingling with them in between song sets), one-on-one, in those private conversations, rather than just limited to whatever is happening on the platform with the band! How cool is that?! :) This is a pretty new idea that we're trying out but we're trusting God to show us how He can use this as a means to drawing more people closer to Himself. :)
Our Prep so far:
Soul2soul has been practising since January and our last practice was just yesterday on the eve of Chinese New Year! The face of the band has changed a bit. Some old familiars like Suyin and Jason reprise their roles while we have quite a few fresh faces like Danny, Matt and James. What do I love about this bunch? They work hard, they laugh even harder and they don't take themselves too seriously! :) Mind you, they are VERY good at what they do so I especially appreciate their hearts of excellence in their God-given craft. And their easy-going natures have been a good foil to my more kan-cheong spirit! :) I think maybe they don't 'feel the heat' yet. :P
You can check us out at our websites. There's info on where we will be performing, some profile on each of the members, etc:
Do try and come for our acoustic gig on Feb 27, Wed, 7.45pm at Singapore Arts Cafe, Esplanade! It's the only performance open to public so it will be a great chance to see what I've been sharing about. :) But, FYI, this cannot be too overtly Christian because it's a public arena.
Given our constraints, our band is prepared as best as we can. :P And although the 'harsh task-master' in me is concerned that we're not as prepared as we should be, I'm really praying that God's grace will cover over our inadequacies and that His Spirit will really move in a powerful way.
This time round, aside from me, there are other members in the band who will be sharing stories from their lives as part of the program. I am incredibly excited about this because I've realized that the diversity of our life journeys enables us to minister to a wider spectrum of people. But with more people, comes more coordination (and so more headache!) and I'm sorry to say that I haven't done a really good job in helping them prepare. :( But even so, I'm praying that somehow God is going to help us pull through and share what needs to be shared. :)
Some additional complications are that, although our repertoire of songs are the same for all the gigs,
1) Some cafes are full band and others are acoustic (due to venue constraints) so effectively we almost had DOUBLE the number of songs to prepare!
2) Each Campus potentially has a different sequence of songs and different set of stories from the band because each one has a different focus!
The second complication is actually a happy problem because it is teaching us to learn how to develop the flexibility to flow with the Holy Spirit and serve the needs of our partnering ministries more effectively. But boy, is it a whole lot tougher!
Please pray for:
a) us to be strong in the Spirit so that we will be able to flow with all these different scenarios and walk in step with God as we minister.
b) the skill to play well and draw the audiences in to what we have to share
c) anointing as various ones of us share what God has been doing in our lives so that people will be ministered to and hunger to know Christ more
d) spiritual protection against any evil schemes of the devil
e) God's presence to really flood every single venue we perform at!
God bless,
ForeRunner, Music + Mission
A Creative Communications Ministry
Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ
Email: sharonmah@forerunner.org.sg
Friday, November 02, 2007
TGA update: Donuts for us??
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Campground with free WiFi... go figure!
Welcome to the campgrounds of the 21st century! Yep, u read correct, free WiFi!! We're staying at the Archview Campground & RV park. Actually, we're not campin'... we're chose to stay at one of their cabins here for our 2 nights in Moab, Utah.
It's fairly comfortable... it comes w a bunk bed, and a double-bed, with a tiny shower unit, and a small sink. It's got some kind of air-cooler (not quite an air-con) but keeps it fairly cool. It helps that the temperature at night here in desert cools down considerably... =)
The past 1 1/2 days we've spent enjoying the awesome creation of Arches & Canyonlands National Park. Each has it's own beauty, but each very special. You can see some of the pictures by clicking here.
Tomorrow early morning, we head to Las Vegas for 1 nite, and then it's to LA where we'll be staying with a friend, and spending time with supporters & friends.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Beautiful Colorado Springs...
We just spent 2 whole days in Colorado Springs... it's a beautiful city!
We were blessed to be able to stay with a friend who hosted us in her beautiful home. We felt right at home, cos' of her warmth & hospitality... and esp. blessed cos' she gave up her mastser bedroom so that all 5 of us can fit into one room!!
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Shalom from Thailand!!!
I'm now sitting at a cyber cafe right outside the Rajabhat Uni Campus... Hahaha... I've got almost the WHOLE Audio Exchange team with me and everyone's rushing to send out mailz and stuff... Hahaha... I've got a little more free time so i'm updating the TURT blog... Heehee...
We had an EXCELLENT 1st concert last night... Hahaha.... We had 15 PRCs which was a real encouragement especially coz it was our 1st concert laa... We had a blast... The place we performed at was soooooo nice... It's was kinda like a sheltered area but still open air and overlooking a REALLY huge field where cows roamed freely... Hahaha... It was excellent....
Ooops... Now i can't type anymore coz we're running outta time... Anywae... Dot's blog for our itinerary yeah... See ya peepz... Thanks for keeping us in prayer...
Sunday, May 15, 2005
As i was doing QT today i came across a song by Corrine May, titled "Journey"
This song seems to fit the setting of Ultimate Road Trip and even when
we feel that we dun worth to be in the band when we see so many
talented musicians into this groups!
It sort of resonate to what I'm facing and the thing about MY personal
ultimate road trip with God! just want to share with you guys! If you
want to listen to the music go to www.corrinemay.com to listen! Enjoy!
by Corrinne May
It's a long long journey
Till I know where I'm supposed to be
It's a long long journey
And I don't know if I can believe
When shadows fall and block my eyes
I am lost and know that I must hide
It's a long long journey
Till I find my way home to you
Many days I've spent
Drifting on through empty shores
Wondering what's my purpose
Wondering how to make me strong
I know I will falter I know I will cry
I know you'll be standing by my side
It's a long long journey
And I need to be close to you
Sometimes it feels no one understands
I don't even know why
I do the things I do
When pride builds me up till I can't see my soul
Will you break down these walls and pull me through?
Cause It's a long long journey
Till I feel that I am worth the price
You paid for me on Calvary
Beneath those stormy skies
When Satan mocks and friends turn to foes
It feel like everything is out to make me lose control
It's a long long journey
Till I find my way home to you.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
The Thais are here!
Yep! after months and months of prayer and preparations, our 6 Thais friends are finally here! The 6 of them make up Koinonia, the music ministry of Thailand Campus Crusade for Christ. And it's a marvelous privilege for us in ForeRunner to be able to help equip & train them as a ministry.
"God is sooo good!" That was the repeated phrase of tonight, as we gather for simple welcome party for them. Just a day before they flew over, a supporter called them over to her house.. and offered a 'small' gift to them. She said she felt God had led her to give, and she needed to obey. She handed over 150,000 Baht (abt S$6k) That literally covered about a third of what the team needed to raise to come here.
Over on our end as we prepared for TURT 2005, and for the Thais arrival, God provided a house.. yes, a house.. and very large one! for only $1000 for their whole time here! It's amazing. On top of that, many people gave generously both in kind and in cash to help the Thais settle down here. God is sooo good!
Get excited everyone... the Ultimate Road Trip get on the road...!
Sunday, April 10, 2005
under construction
for your viewing, more turt tee drafts. :)
just wanted to say thank you too, for your prayers for my grandpa & family :) all the best for exams too (for those have them!)
Thursday, March 24, 2005
TURT tee shirt design
#1 shadow
#2 original
#3 poster
#4 glow
hey guys,
these are variations of the tee shirt design sharon and i came up with, thought we'd let you all have a look. :) We know it really doesn't look very tee-shirtish, but the idea is that this will go across the chest front of the shirt and the back will be the license plate (URT2005) from last year's design. since that's already in colour and an 'iron on', we'd thought we'd try to match that.
yup. anyway, do let us know what you think. :)
eeleen & sharon goh
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
don't look back!
i had the day off in lieu of all the dance pracs that are going on...
woke up really really late - about 11am. for me, that's really really late, cos normally my body can't sleep past 9am. (which is useful when i had exams and lectures and stuff liddat in my school days) feel really rested =)
enjoyed a few hours of solitude and reflection. something i haven't had time or will to do for a while, cos i tend to be a workaholic - in the sense that i dun like 'hanging' or ill-done projects. i like to finish what i am doing and to finish it well.
anyways... i felt led to read 1 corinthians 13 again. something i think most people know - the famous chapter on love.
* * *
love is patient, love is kind.
it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud
it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.
it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
love never fails.
* * *
i feel that this time as i read it, God was really causing me to ask myself - do i love in that way? and showing me how self-centered my 'love' often is... most of what i learnt is kinda personal, so shan't share here... but i think it was a really refreshing yet humbling time for me =)
also did a bible study on lot's wife (Gen 18:26-19:16). and what really struck me is that the study helped me see her as a real person. a woman who
- was hospitable enough such that her husband knew he could invite people - strangers! - home anytime
- was probably terrified when she heard her husband telling the men that he would give his daughters in exchange for the strangers' safety
- had put a lot of time and effort and energy into building her home and making a life in her town, and found it a shock to be suddenly told to leave all that had become familiar behind
there's probably a lot more i learnt, but these are some of the main things i learnt abt her. and i was really impressed that here is a woman who probably was of great character and a good wife. and yet... for one mistake... she was turned into a pillar of salt.
it does seem somewhat unfair. but i guess God wanted to make His point so clear - don't look back!
don't regret. don't live with so many "what-ifs". don't tell God you trust Him and then live as though your past was not within His control as well. He has already assured us that we are secure in Him because of what Jesus has done for us on the cross, and that He will work all things for good.
"Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus... Only let us live up to what we have already attained." - Paul (Phil 3:13, 14, 16)
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Lookin' fwd to our Team Meeting
Hey all...
I'm really lookin' forward to see everyone.. all together.. as our very 1st team meeting!
It's be so fun to finally put a face to the name or nickname! =)
Friday, March 04, 2005
Hey guys... Just wanna know if there are any prayer requests regarding the preparations for our mission trip or basically regarding anything at all laa... Hahaha...
It'll be great if you guys could share your requests here if it's not too personal... :)
I just tought since we had this blog... Might as well... :)
See ya around peepz...
Saturday, February 26, 2005
The Choice - Max Lucado
i got this in the mail, and it's really so touching. truly God has given us such a priceless gift - choice! and yet we bicker and argue over whose right it is and why life is unfair... just gave me a newer perspective on the sovereignity of God vs free choice debate.
* * *
Why do I want to do bad?” my daughter asked me, unknowingly posing a question asked by many seekers of truth. “Why do I do the thing I hate? What is this ape that gibbers within?” Or, perhaps a more basic question is being asked. “If sin separates me from God, why doesn’t God separate me from sin? Why doesn’t he remove from me the option to sin?”
To answer that, let’s go to the beginning.
Let’s go to the Garden and see the seed that both blessed and cursed. Let’s see why God gave man … the choice.
Behind it all was a choice. A deliberate decision. An informed move. He didn’t have to do it. But he chose to. He knew the price. He saw the implications. He was aware of the consequences.
We don’t know when he decided to do it. We can’t know. Not just because we weren’t there. Because time was not there. When did not exist. Nor did tomorrow or yesterday or next time. For there was no time.
We don’t know when he thought about making the choice. But we do know that he made it. He didn’t have to do it. He chose to.
He chose to create.
“In the beginning God created … ”
With one decision, history began. Existence became measurable.
Out of nothing came light.
Out of light came day.
Then came sky … and earth.
And on this earth? A mighty hand went to work.
Canyons were carved. Oceans were dug. Mountains erupted out of flatlands. Stars were flung. A universe sparkled.
Our sun became just one of millions. Our galaxy became just one of thousands. Planets invisibly tethered to suns roared through space at breakneck speeds. Stars blazed with heat that could melt our planet in seconds.
The hand behind it was mighty. He is mighty.
And with this might, he created. As naturally as a bird sings and a fish swims, he created. Just as an artist can’t not paint and a runner can’t not run, he couldn’t not create. He was the Creator. Through and through, he was the Creator. A tireless dreamer and designer.
From the pallet of the Ageless Artist came inimitable splendors. Before there was a person to see it, his creation was pregnant with wonder. Flowers didn’t just grow; they blossomed. Chicks weren’t just born; they hatched. Salmons didn’t just swim; they leaped.
Mundaneness found no home in his universe.
He must have loved it. Creators relish creating. I’m sure his commands were delightful! “Hippo, you won’t walk … you’ll waddle!” “Hyena, a bark is too plain. Let me show you how to laugh!” “Look, raccoon, I’ve made you a mask!” “Come here, giraffe, let’s stretch that neck a bit.” And on and on he went. Giving the clouds their puff. Giving the oceans their blue. Giving the trees their sway. Giving the frogs their leap and croak. The mighty wed with the creative, and creation was born.
He was mighty. He was creative.
And he was love. Even greater than his might and deeper than his creativity was one all-consuming characteristic:
Water must be wet. A fire must be hot. You can’t take the wet out of water and still have water. You can’t take the heat out of fire and still have fire.
In the same way, you can’t take the love out of this One who lived before time and still have him exist. For he was … and is … Love.
Probe deep within him. Explore every corner. Search every angle. Love is all you find. Go to the beginning of every decision he has made and you’ll find it. Go to the end of every story he has told and you’ll see it.
No bitterness. No evil. No cruelty. Just love. Flawless love. Passionate love. Vast and pure love. He is love.
As a result, an elephant has a trunk with which to drink. A kitten has a mother from which to nurse. A bird has a nest in which to sleep. The same God who was mighty enough to carve out the canyon is tender enough to put hair on the legs of the Matterhorn Fly to keep it warm. The same force that provides symmetry to the planets guides the baby kangaroo to its mother’s pouch before the mother knows it is born.
And because of who he was, he did what he did.
He created a paradise. A sinless sanctuary. A haven before fear. A home before there was a human dweller. No time. No death. No hurt. A gift built by God for his ultimate creation. And when he was through, he knew “it was very good.”
But it wasn’t enough.
His greatest work hadn’t been completed. One final masterpiece was needed before he would stop.
Look to the canyons to see the Creator’s splendor. Touch the flowers and see his delicacy. Listen to the thunder and hear his power. But gaze on this—the zenith—and witness all three … and more.
Imagine with me what may have taken place on that day.
He placed one scoop of clay upon another until a form lay lifeless on the ground.
All of the Garden’s inhabitants paused to witness the event. Hawks hovered. Giraffes stretched. Trees bowed. Butterflies paused on petals and watched.
“You will love me, nature,” God said. “I made you that way. You will obey me, universe. For you were designed to do so. You will reflect my glory, skies, for that is how you were created. But this one will be like me. This one will be able to choose.”
All were silent as the Creator reached into himself and removed something yet unseen. A seed. “It’s called ‘choice.’ The seed of choice.”
Creation stood in silence and gazed upon the lifeless form.
An angel spoke, “But what if he … ”
“What if he chooses not to love?” the Creator finished. “Come, I will show you.”
Unbound by today, God and the angel walked into the realm of tomorrow.
“There, see the fruit of the seed of choice, both the sweet and the bitter.”
The angel gasped at what he saw. Spontaneous love. Voluntary devotion. Chosen tenderness. Never had he seen anything like these. He felt the love of the Adams. He heard the joy of Eve and her daughters. He saw the food and the burdens shared. He absorbed the kindness and marveled at the warmth.
“Heaven has never seen such beauty, my Lord. Truly, this is your greatest creation.”
“Ah, but you’ve only seen the sweet. Now witness the bitter.”
A stench enveloped the pair. The angel turned in horror and proclaimed, “What is it?”
The Creator spoke only one word: “Selfishness.”
The angel stood speechless as they passed through centuries of repugnance. Never had he seen such filth. Rotten hearts. Ruptured promises. Forgotten loyalties. Children of the creation wandering blindly in lonely labyrinths.
“This is the result of choice?” the angel asked.
“They will forget you?”
“They will reject you?”
“They will never come back?”
“Some will. Most won’t.”
“What will it take to make them listen?”
The Creator walked on in time, further and further into the future, until he stood by a tree. A tree that would be fashioned into a cradle. Even then he could smell the hay that would surround him.
With another step into the future, he paused before another tree. It stood alone, a stubborn ruler of a bald hill. The trunk was thick, and the wood was strong. Soon it would be cut. Soon it would be trimmed. Soon it would be mounted on the stony brow of another hill. And soon he would be hung on it.
He felt the wood rub against a back he did not yet wear.
“Will you go down there?” the angel asked.
“I will.”
“Is there no other way?”
“There is not.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier to not plant the seed? Wouldn’t it be easier to not give the choice?”
“It would,” the Creator spoke slowly. “But to remove the choice is to remove the love.”
He looked around the hill and foresaw a scene. Three figures hung on three crosses. Arms spread. Heads fallen forward. They moaned with the wind.
Men clad in soldiers’ garb sat on the ground near the trio. They played games in the dirt and laughed.
Men clad in religion stood off to one side. They smiled. Arrogant, cocky. They had protected God, they thought, by killing this false one.
Women clad in sorrow huddled at the foot of the hill. Speechless. Faces tear streaked. Eyes downward. One put her arm around another and tried to lead her away. She wouldn’t leave. “I will stay,” she said softly. “I will stay.”
All heaven stood to fight. All nature rose to rescue. All eternity poised to protect. But the Creator gave no command.
“It must be done … ,” he said, and withdrew.
But as he stepped back in time, he heard the cry that he would someday scream: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” He wrenched at tomorrow’s agony.
The angel spoke again. “It would be less painful … ”
The Creator interrupted softly. “But it wouldn’t be love.”
They stepped into the Garden again. The Maker looked earnestly at the clay creation. A monsoon of love swelled up within him. He had died for the creation before he had made him. God’s form bent over the sculptured face and breathed. Dust stirred on the lips of the new one. The chest rose, cracking the red mud. The cheeks fleshened. A finger moved. And an eye opened.
But more incredible than the moving of the flesh was the stirring of the spirit. Those who could see the unseen gasped.
Perhaps it was the wind who said it first. Perhaps what the star saw that moment is what has made it blink ever since. Maybe it was left to an angel to whisper it:
“It looks like … it appears so much like … it is him!”
The angel wasn’t speaking of the face, the features, or the body. He was looking inside—at the soul.
“It’s eternal!” gasped another.
Within the man, God had placed a divine seed. A seed of his self. The God of might had created earth’s mightiest. The Creator had created, not a creature, but another creator. And the One who had chosen to love had created one who could love in return.
Now it’s our choice.
Saturday, February 19, 2005
God works in amazing ways
a friend shared this sotry with me. may it bless you =)
* * *
Here’s an expert from “Learning to Love People You Don’t Like” by Floyd McClung
“When Sally was born, her mother was forty-seven years old. She already had four children from her first marriage, and when her first husband died she married a man with four of his own. Most people would have assumed she was done raising her family. But she had always wanted one of her children to be a missionary, and none of her eight kids seemed inclined in that direction. So she prayed that the Lord would send her one more.
Two days after this last little baby was born, her mother took Sally into the tiny church she attended in Galveston, Texas, laid her on the alter, and dedicated her to God. She made a vow to pray every day for her little girl, that she would hear God’s call to the mission field. That’s how certain she was that God had given Sally to her for that purpose.
One night when Sally was five years old, she awoke in the middle of the night, crying. All she could think about was a family from their church who were missionaries to Africa. The more she thought about them, the more she cried. She woke her mother and told her what was happening. Her mother—immediately perceiving that it was the Holy Spirit at work in her little girl—told her to go back to bed and pray for the missionary family. Sally later remembered that she finally drifted off to sleep thinking, “Some day I’m going to be just like them.”
When Sally was sixteen, the opportunity arose for her to go on a summer outreach to the island of Samoa. However, several barriers barred the way. For one thing, the sponsors of the trip didn’t want to take anyone who wasn’t at least eighteen years old. For another, her stepfather—who was not a Christian—didn’t want her to go. And last be not least, it cost a lot of money to go on the outreach, a tidy sum totally out of the teenager’s reach.
Two weeks before the trip was to begin, Sally’s stepfather told her he had changed his mind. She was flabbergasted: she had been pleading with him every week for months to give her permission to go, and he had been adamant in his refusal. Now, suddenly, he said she could go.
Why the about-face? Apparently, he assumed that since Sally didn’t have enough money, she wouldn’t be able to go even if she did have his permission; by saying yes he could avoid looking like the bad guy. Little did he know that while Sally didn’t have the full amount she needed, she had managed to scrape together enough to get to Los Angeles, where the week-long training session for the outreach trip was to be held. Much to her stepfather’s chagrin (and to her mother’s delight), off she went.
In Los Angeles, Sally ran head-on into the sponsors of the trip, who told her she couldn’t go. They pointed out that she was below the minimum age they had established. They also pointed out that she didn’t have any money to pay for her food, lodging, and transportation.
There was a young man in Sally’s training course who had also grown up wanting to be a missionary, and who had been working and saving for months so he could go on this outreach to Samoa. During the course of the week he and Sally got to know each other. She told him of her conviction that the Lord wanted her to go on the trip, and of her confidence that the Lord would somehow make it possible.
One night as he was praying, the young man sensed the Lord speaking to him. The Lord seemed to be saying, “Give her your money. You are to stay home so that she can go.” Since that definitely wasn’t what he wanted to hear, he argued the point at some length.
His arguments seemed sound. He was between his second and third year of university and might never have the freedom to make such a trip again. He had worked hard to save up the money. He believed God had called him years before to be a missionary, and this was going to be his first overseas adventure.
But God was not to be dissuaded. Finally, the night before the group was to leave, the young man went to the sponsors and told them what he had decided.
Now the sponsors found themselves in a predicament. It had been easy for them to stick to their guns regarding Sally’s age so long as they knew she didn’t have the money for the trip anyway. But now that obstacle had been overcome. And Sally—who still knew nothing of the young man’s decision—was as determined as ever.
The morning the group was to leave, the sponsors called the teenager on the telephone. “What are you doing right now, Sally?” they asked.
“Packing to go to Samoa,” she exclaimed.
“But we told you, you can’t go,” they said.
“I know what you told me,” Sally said. “But the Lord has given me faith to trust him. I believe I’m supposed to go to the airport—right up to the door of the plane, if necessary—and that if I do, he’ll make a way for me. Somehow I believe he’ll change your minds, as well as take care of my finances.”
The sponsors were amazed and encouraged by Sally’s response. What could anyone say to faith like that? “Look, Sally,” they said. “Last night someone came forward and provided the money for you to go. And we’ve prayed about it, and… well, we feel this is a sign that we should make an exception and let you go.”
And go she did. Sally’s group spent most of the summer in a small village where no missionaries had ever been able to visit before. In fact, when they first arrived, a local leader told them they could go to any other village on the island but that one. He encouraged them to pray and ask the Lord where else they should go. Naturally, the Lord said, “Go to the village he told you that you couldn’t get into. I’ll get you in.”
They did, and God did, and by the end of the summer one hundred fifty of that village’s three hundred inhabitants—including the chief—had become Christians. Today, the church those young people started is the largest one of its denomination on the whole island.
Needless to say, the whole incident made a profound impact on Sally. It made a profound impact on the young man as well. Seeing the amazing circumstances—the way his decision about giving away his money changed the sponsors’ minds about letting Sally go—convinced him that he really had heard the Lord. God rewarded Sally’s obedience, and he rewarded the young man as well. The experience persuaded him, once and for all, that the Lord really does speak today, and that he wants his people to listen. It opened up a whole new area of the spiritual realm to him.
The reason I know so much about this story is that the young man was me. And Sally is now my wife."
Saturday, February 12, 2005
hello peepz..
hmm... i'm 1st timer using this blog service... kind of messy... dont seems like the usual blog i seen before... anyway... juz drop by and say hi ^^
Friday, February 11, 2005
yeah it's the beginning...
welcome to the ultimate road trip!
even though the actual training and preparation doesn't REALLY begin until may, i believe that right NOW, God wants to start bringing each one of us on the ultimate road trip. Whatever circumstances you are in now, know that it's for a purpose and take heart in that. =)
over the next few months, we'll grow together, learn together, maybe... fight together? heh... but whatever the process, i believe that it is all for good.
meanwhile, i'm not too good at this html thingamy... if anyone has any musical blogskins they've designed or know about, maybe can send me to use as our template? =) would be cool to have a customised background eh?
Monday, January 17, 2005
Interviews and Auditions have begun!
Alas... the auditions and interviews have started!
This is truly the beginning of the great adventure for all involved!
I've heard from Joy that the screening team has met many quality (both
in skill and heart) students/participants!
Praise God for the ways He's shaping this! =)